Intensive Sessions…because sometimes 50 minutes is just NOT enough
The traditional model of weekly therapy is shifting to meet your needs. Now more than ever, we need flexibility in how we get support.
How many times have you been shocked (maybe even frustrated?) to find that just when you’re getting to the good stuff, you’re at time and left wanting- no, needing more time to really feel the resolve you are so close to attaining? Intensive sessions are here to fill this gap.
This offering is speaking to those of you who...
Are ready to prioritize your own healing.
Are open to examining and challenging how your past experiences have shaped the way you think and behave.
- Perhaps you’ve been meaning to get into weekly therapy for a while now, but your schedule has been so hectic and demanding that a weekly therapy appointment feels more overwhelming than supportive.
- Perhaps you are a current client who is seeking extra, focused support on a specific target or goal.
- Perhaps you are a new client who just prefers to work intensively. You know what you want to work on, and you want to work on it NOW. -
Maximize healing with extended therapy time, in addition to OR instead of traditional therapy sessions
- Allocate a larger chunk of time (90min- 120min) to maximize both your time and the healing benefits experienced from therapy.
-Extend the traditional 50min session, allowing more time to really plunge into the healing process and utilize momentum to truly maximize healing in a targeted and intentional way.
Service Options for your Intensive Sessions
The Intensive Bundle
This 4-5hour bundle supports you in getting the most value out of your time with an intentional, and customizable plan unique to you and your treatment goals. It includes:
A 60 - 90 min Prep Session
Your 90 min - 120 min Intensive- Let's Go!
A 60 - 90 min Post Intensive Session
Identification of additional support/needs will be evaluated. Whether it’s monthly, quarterly, or on an as needed basis, additional support is available.
You will only be charged for your total time (between 3.5-5 Hours), ranging from $700-$1000
Intensive Sessions A La Carte
This is a great option if you aren’t quite ready to commit to the bundle, yet know that you want/need longer than the standard 50min session.
You can choose from a 90 min, or 120 min option and schedule as needed
2-3 sessions a week if working on a targeted goal
Once a month
Quarterly check-in
As needed. You get to decide
Intensive Sessions DO NOT HAVE to be EMDR focused.
Intensive Sessions A La Carte are $210/Hour
To book your intensive, you can either call, text, email or complete the contact form on my home page. We can discuss which option is best for you.
A therapy intensive is like a Disney Fast Pass - you get a VIP experience, skipping the lines of traditional therapy waitlists, and accelerating your healing. I will work to get you in my schedule ASAP.
(614) 450- 0240
Concentrated, effective therapy to maximize healing and accelerate growth
Intensive Therapy is more cost effective and time effective than weekly therapy…. here’s how
Longer, more intensive sessions = less overall time and money spent in therapy over the course of time. You get to feel better, sooner. Less time taking off of work and being pulled away from family, friends, your life to attend ongoing weekly therapy sessions.
Less symptom management, and more getting to the root of the problem, working towards resolution and expanding performance goals.
Intensives and EMDR Intensives are a premium and customizable service. The price is not necessarily reflective of the time spent in session, but of the overall value brought to your life. Think of how much time and energy you will get back once you are feeling better
The economy is compelling: even compared to other trauma therapy, the intensive format may decrease treatment time, because of time not spent on a) checking in at the beginning of each session, b) addressing current crises and concerns, c) focusing on stabilizing and coping skills that the client won’t need after trauma healing, or d) assisting the client in regaining composure at the end of the session.